
 About Animals..

Animal families- 

Animals live in many different types of family groups. Some animals live in big groups, called colonies. They work together to bring up their babies. Other animals form male and female pairs. Family groups help animals to survive.

Pair- After mating, a pair of emperor penguins take turns looking after the egg and then feeding the baby. They live with up to 5,000  other penguins.

Herd- Zebras move around in large groups, called herds. When babies are born, the large numbers help protect them from other animals’ attacks.

Colony- Ant families can be very large. The queen is the leader of the colony and lays the eggs. The other ants work to protect and feed the colony.

Small family- After giving birth, a female river otter cares for her pups for two to three years until they are ready to hunt and look after themselves.

Animal groups 

Animals can be divided into groups, depending on their body features. Animals that look and act in similar ways are grouped together. This is called classification.

Animal groups Animals are divided into two main groups. Vertebrates have spines, invertebrates don’t. There are more groups inside these two  main groups.

1) Amphibians- These animals have wet skin. They live in or near water. The babies hatch from eggs, and change body shape to become adults.

2)Birds- Birds have feathers, which keep them warm and help most to fly. They have beaks to catch or pick up food.

3)Fish- Fish live in water. They are covered in bony plates, called scales, and have special organs called gills  for breathing.

4)Mammals- Mammals have fur or hair on their bodies. They feed       their babies on milk made by the mothers.

5)Reptiles- Reptiles have scaly skin. They are cold-blooded, which means they must warm up in the sun before they  can move.

6)Invertebrates- There are many groups of invertebrates, including       insects, slugs, spiders, and shellfish.
-Animal homes-
      Animals need homes for shelter and to keep their young safe.        Animal homes are built in many different places and in all shapes and sizes. Some animals work together to build large structures. Others move every night, making new homes as they go. 

**Weaver bird nest- Male weaver birds loop leaves and grass together to build their nests. The entrance is  at the bottom to stop other animals from getting in. 
**Beaver lodge-Beavers build their homes from branches and mud. The entrance is underwater, to stop other animals from finding it. 

**Termite mound- Termites work together to build large mounds. The chimney shape of the mound helps to keep the termites inside cool.

**Termite mounds  can reach more than 6 ft (2 m) height..
[ Read my next blog to knew About these typpes of animals in details...] 

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