
                                  Amphibians are animals that spend their lives in and around water. They hatch in water from eggs. As they grow they develop lungs that let them breathe on land. Amphibian skin must always be wet, so they stay close to water. There are three main groups of amphibian.

Newts and salamanders - these long-tailed amphibians can replace injured body parts by growing new ones. An eye, leg, or tail takes just weeks to replace.

Caecilians- Though they look like worms, caecilians (se-sill-yens) are amphibians. They live underwater or in underground burrows on land.

Frogs and toads- The most common group of amphibians includes frogs and toads. Frogs are usually wetter, smaller, and smoother than toads.


Forever young

Axolotls are unusual, because they stay in water all their lives. They keep their tadpole-like fins and feathery gills even as an adult.

Fact- Amphibians can breathe through their skin.


Reptiles are scaly-skinned, cold-blooded animals. Most reptiles lay soft, leathery eggs. A baby reptile grows inside the egg and then, when it’s ready, breaks its way out. There are four main groups of reptile.

Crocodiles and alligators-These giant reptiles have existed since before dinosaurs. They hide under water, then spring up to catch their prey and drag it under.

Lizards- These reptiles have many skills. This chameleon can change the color of its skin. Other reptiles can run up walls, or break off their tails to escape danger.

Fact- Some lizards can move their eyes to look in two directions at once.

Snakes- All snakes swallow their prey whole. They smell using their tongues. Some snakes have poisonous bites, but most are not dangerous to people.

Tortoises and turtles- Turtles live in water and tortoises live on the land. Their shells protect them, but are heavy, so they move very slowly out of the water. 




·       Basking Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. They get the heat their bodies need from the world around them, lying in the sunshine to warm up. They hide in the shade to keep themselves from overheating.

·       Reptiles live on every continent except Antarctica.



               Mammals are animals that have body hair and feed their babies on milk made by the females. They are warm-blooded, which means their bodies stay the same temperature. There are many different groups of mammals.

Mammal babies- Mammals give birth to live babies. Parents feed and care for their young until they can look after themselves.

Fact-A mother elephant is pregnant for nearly two years before its baby is ready to be born.

Plant-eaters Animals- that eat plants are called herbivores. They have special teeth for cutting and chewing leaves.

Meat-eaters- Meat-eating animals are called carnivores. They hunt other animals for food.

Pouched mammals- Some animals, called marsupials, look after their babies in a special pouch. The baby stays in the pouch, drinking milk until it is big enough to leave.

Dolphins- Not all mammals live on land. Dolphins are mammals that live in water. They come up to the surface to breathe through a blowhole at the top of their head.




Invertebrates are animals that don’t have backbones. They are divided into many smaller groups, such as insects and mollusks. Ninety-eight percent of all animals are invertebrates.

Insects - Insects have a tough outer covering. They have six legs and many can fly.

Fact- Antennae on the head are used to “feel” movement in the air.

Worms- Worms have long soft bodies with no legs. Their bodies are split into many parts, or segments.

Worms can eat their own body weight in food in one day!

Mollusks- Mollusks have soft bodies with no skeleton and no legs. They live in water or wet soil.

Arachnids- These animals have eight legs, not six like insects. Arachnids include spiders, scorpions, and mites.


Crustaceans- Crustaceans have hard outer shells, and more than eight legs. Most of them live in water.


Echinoderms-These animals have bodies split into equal parts around a disk in their middle. They all live in the sea.




Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. The skeleton is a frame that helps the body move around. Mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and birds are all vertebrates.

Amphibians- Frogs and toads don’t have ribs. They have strong leg bones for jumping.

Birds- Most birds have light bones, to let them fly. Penguins have heavier bones so they can dive deep in the water.

Fact-Bird skeletons are full of holes. This helps them to be as light as possible..

Fish- Only some fish have bony skeletons. Others, such as sharks, have skeletons made from a bendy substance called cartilage.

Mammals- All mammals have a similar skeleton. Only mammals have a lower jawbone that is joined to the skull by a hinge.

Reptiles- Reptiles have more bones in their skeletons than other animals. This makes them very bendy.

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