
Showing posts from July, 2021

Facts about animals brain.

 Interesting facts about animal's brain.. Science Notes.. for study.. For More mcq see my next Post . Thanks for visiting my page. 

The Stories Of Inventions...

  Inventions     I nventions are new ideas that solve problems or prove useful to us. Thousands of years of brilliant brainpower have resulted in things and ideas that have transformed people’s lives. Even in the modern world, people keep coming up with new ideas and inventions. *Thomas Edison (1847–1931) was an American master of invention, patenting 1,093 ideas in his lifetime, including batteries and light bulbs.                         The Great Thomas Edison … Hand axe - The hand axe was the first stone tool in prehistoric times. People dug for flint, which they shaped into handcrafted axes to cut meat, chop wood, scrape skins, and protect themselves. Hand axes were used for more than a million years. Wheel - The wheel was invented more than 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia (part of modern-day Iraq). Wooden discs were attached to animal carts to carry heavy loads. Later, wheels became lighter, which made them faster and smoother.(Picture2) Steam engine -
  Learn through Fun With My Videos... h ttps:// How Butterflies Lays eggs- Butterfly Laying Egg Video Click here.. Thank you.
  A mphibians -                                   Amphibians are animals that spend their lives in and around water. They hatch in water from eggs. As they grow they develop lungs that let them breathe on land. Amphibian skin must always be wet, so they stay close to water. There are three main groups of amphibian. Newts and salamanders - these long-tailed amphibians can replace injured body parts by growing new ones. An eye, leg, or tail takes just weeks to replace. Caecilians- Though they look like worms, caecilians (se-sill-yens) are amphibians. They live underwater or in underground burrows on land. Frogs and toads - The most common group of amphibians includes frogs and toads. Frogs are usually wetter, smaller, and smoother than toads. Fact Forever young Axolotls are unusual, because they stay in water all their lives. They keep their tadpole-like fins and feathery gills even as an adult . Fact- Amphibians c